Paige Brown Holiday Party 2023

Another successful holiday party! Each year, I am so grateful for all of my supporters, it truly puts it into perspective for me when I get to see many of them all in one place. When I took a chance in real estate, I didn’t realize how lucky I would be to meet so many great people I call my friends and for that, I am so fulfilled.

This year, we celebrated at Sockeye Brewing, which was such a fun spot to host us! We ate, drank, laughed and had such a fun time. Quite frankly, it is always bittersweet when these event comes to an end.

Per tradition, I sent everyone home with a gift that was either wine or a poinsettia as well as one of my yummy cookies that have always been a hit! Well, I refer to them as mine, but between us, I definitely did not bake them…

Overall, I was so sad it came to an end, but my heart was so full getting to see everyone and catch up. This is one of the many reasons I love what I do!!

Thank YOU to each and every one of my friends who have supported me and my business, I could not do what I do without you and your referrals. You all are what drive me and my business!


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