How to Create a Vision Board

how to create a vision board

Are you a goal setter? I love the start of a fresh new year as a time to reflect on the past year and think about my hopes for the new year. I thought it would be fun to share with you some tips on how to create a vision board in case you are looking for a way to plan for 2022 as well.

A vision board is different from a list of goals and resolutions in that you use images to represent your goals rather than words. It's something you keep in a visible location so you see it often and are reminded of where you are headed.

how to get a vision board

To get started, follow these simple tips to make a vision board:

  • Decide wether to do a digital version or a physical version. For a digital version simply find pictures on the internet and save them in a collage software. (Canva is great for this). For a physical version, gather magazines you can cut pictures out of.

  • Decide what areas of your life you'd like to include in your vision board. Some ideas to consider are work, parenting, physical, spiritual, material possessions etc. After you narrow down what you would like to include, partition off that many sections.

  • Do a bit of brainstorming in each of the areas you'd like to focus on. Think of where you would like to be on December 31st, 2022. Then think of where you would like to be December 31st, 2026. Include both short term and long term goals on your vision board.

  • Find pictures to represent each of your goals. Be specific. For example if one of your goals is to earn a promotion at work, think about what that new job will look like. What will you wear? What will that achievement feel like?

  • Be sure and include inspiring quotes as well.

I've created a free printable for you, to walk you through this process. You can find the free vision board printable here.


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