How to Appeal Ada County Property Taxes

Once that property tax assessment arrives in your mailbox you might have a few questions that you need answers to, and I’m here to be a resource. One of the most common questions I hear is, “How do I appeal Ada County property taxes?”

Before you decide whether to contact the tax commission you should know a few important facts about your Ada County Tax Assessment. Be sure and check the official Ada County Assessor’s Office website for detailed information about these services and programs.

boise property tax info - homes along Harrison Boulevard in Boise Idaho

Understanding Boise Property Tax Assessments

  • The past few years have brought some pretty dramatic swings in property values. You should know that your assessed value is determined as of January 1st of current year. So by the time you receive your assessment notice in May, several months have passed since values were determined.

  • Ada County property tax assessed value is determined by the Ada County Assessor’s office. Individual assessors are assigned to areas of the county and they use recent sales prices of properties to determine the value of homes in a specific area. Property values are adjusted for items that could affect the value, such as lot size, age and condition.

  • If you are living in your home you should file for a Home Owner’s Exemption which gives you an exemption of 50% of the value of your home and up to one acre of land from property tax with a maximum of a $125,000 exemption (as of 2022). You file for this one time and it applies to all future years as long as conditions are met.

  • Assessments are sent in May and tax bills are sent in November with a due date of December 20th.

  • To get an estimate of your Property Tax Liability, head here and use this Property Tax Calculator from June - September.

How to Appeal Your Ada County Property Tax Bill

  • Reach out to me - I can help determine if an appeal is justified

  • If you feel your assessed value is not correct, you can file an appeal, but it must be done by June 26th

  • To appeal, contact your local county assessor’s office and speak with your appraiser. Be prepared to share WHY you think there is an error on your tax assessment. Part of this is sharing comparable homes that have sold in your area, which is something I can help with.

  • I spoke with the Ada County Assessors office and they told me of the roughly 220,000 properties who get tax assessments, about 1500 per year file appeals and only about 2% are changed.

What Ada County Property Tax Breaks Are Available?

Circuit Breaker Tax Benefit

This special property tax reduction is available for citizens who also meet the following requirements:

  • Your total 2022 income, after deducting medical expenses, is $37,000 or less (amount for 2023).

  • You are 65 or older, blind, widowed, disabled, a former POW or hostage, or a motherless or fatherless child under 18 years old.

  • You owned and lived in a home in Idaho that was your primary residence before April 15 of the current tax year.

  • The property must have a current homeowner’s exemption.

  • The home can be a mobile home.

  • You must apply between January 1 and April 15 of the current year and unlike the Homeowner’s Exemption, you must refile every year. You can apply for Circuit Breaker benefits here.

Disabled Veteran’s Tax Benefit

  • You might qualify for this program if you’re an Idaho resident, homeowner, and qualified veteran with a 100% service-connected disability.

  • A qualifying veteran or surviving spouse can use this benefit.

  • You owned and lived in a home in Idaho that was your primary residence before April 15 of the current tax year.

  • The property must have a current homeowner’s exemption.

  • The home can be a mobile home.

  • More information about the Disabled Veteran’s Benefit can be found here.

Property Tax Deferral

There is one other option if you are struggling to pay your property tax. You can defer your taxes and postpone payment to a later date. Interest does accrue and you will have to pay the interest and deferred tax amount at a later date.

  • To qualify for Property Tax Deferral your income must be $53,638 or less (amount for 2023).

  • There are a few other qualifications, and you can review them all here.

  • You must apply between January 1 and September 5 of the current year and unlike the Homeowner’s Exemption, you must refile every year. You can apply for the Tax Deferral Program here.

2023 idaho property tax releif

2023 Idaho Legislative Property Tax Relief Bill

Earlier in the Spring a vote was on the Legislative agenda regarding property tax relief. House Bill 292 passed and in part, it sends state money back to local districts to help with roads and other infrastructure items and help fund schools and homeowner relief programs. As of the time of this post, no specific plans have been detailed as to how this will look, but help for high property taxes may be on the way in the State of Idaho.

Have specific questions about Ada County Property Taxes? I can help! Shoot me an email or give me a call and I can point you in the right direction.


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