Productive Habits

2020 was a year no one could have foreseen. The world shut down and as a working mother of two boys at first this seemed like a blessing in disguise. I envisioned all the time I’d have to catch up on all the things I was behind on. The reality is I alternated between wild sessions of planning and organizing and being supermom AND ALSO days where I’m not sure how many hours passed while we watched movies on the couch. I think that’s what a lot of people experienced and I’m all about just giving ourselves a break and moving on.

But here we are at the start of a fresh, new year and at this point I'm hopeful this will be a better year. I love to set goals, but this year that has been a bit more difficult because of so much uncertainty. I decided the only thing I can control is myself and my attitude and habits, so I'm committed to using this time to reflect on changes I want to make, and for me that is all about consistency and habits.

The general consensus is that it takes 28 days of consistency to form a habit. Some argue that number is as short as 21 days or as long as 254 days, but I like the idea of formatting a new habit in just about a month.

I've created a monthly habit tracker for you to download if you are interested in joining me. By the time you reach that star on day 28, your new behavior should be well ingrained. Choose a new habit to focus on each month, or work on the same one all year long!


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